Little Pines, Inc.
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WordPress Info

While there's more information coming, let us show you two quickies (click on any of the screen shos to see an enlargement):

To the right, on the top, is a screen shot of a default WordPress CMS screen/menu. 

Below is a screen shot of OUR default WordPress CMS menu.  We offer many plug-ins, some we've developed ourselves, and some we've paid for, to make your experience of editing your web site easier, faster, and better.

Maybe you've seen WordPress sites that the designers say are "mobile-friendly", and maybe they are easier to read on mobile devices. 

But our web site designs are not only mobile-friendly, but they are fully responsive and adaptive.  They respond to whatever device you are viewng them on, and they will compress the menu, resize graphics, and columnarize tables as needed. 

Let us show you what we're talking about and what you could have for your next site!  See our Client Design Gallery for designs and ideas. 

Don't forget:  when you're ready for a custom-developed, on-line application, we are developers, so we can do it right.  You can see examples of our on-line apps at this link

We also do mobile apps, so ask us for whatever you want.



Little Pines, Inc.
The Highest Quality New and Used Computers, Networking, and Web Sites
560 E. L. Clark Lane    Smoot , WY 83126
Phone: (307) 886-1122 -

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